Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Final Model Shots

These are the final shots i had taken of my model. Overall really happy with the result. The vinyl stickers really made it more realistic. There are some imperfections at the bottom of the vehicle where the wheels are. If i would change something i would change the color of the glass window, which i think it kind of fade away with the dark solar panel colors. Maybe should of went with a medium tone gray.

Week 17

Finishing the model, I used a matt white for the body of the vehicle, and a high gloss metallic imperial blue for the solar panel. The reason i used a matt body color is therefore you can define which is the solar panel and which is not. I overspray the glossy area with clear coat to make it more reflective just like a real solar panel surface. To finish the model off i used some vinyl stickers which i got it made from a place in chadstone. This was able to make the model more realistic!.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 16

The surfaces are complete and now i am ready to apply shellac and ready to paint. Before i applied shellac i sanded the clay surface using a 800 grade wet and dry, this was to make the surface a bit more rough so the shellac can fully be glued and seal the surface of the clay. I didn't sand back the shellac after each coat and the last coat i left it for a whole night to dry before i started applying primer on. The first coat of primer i used is a K&H plastic primer, which apparently sticks better compared to a normal primer filler. I applied 2 coat of that and then applied another 2 coat of 3 coats of primer filler to get rid of any scratches or imperfection. (sanded each coat of primer filler down with an 1200 wet and dry.)

Week 15

This week is all about cleaning the surfaces. As you can see my clay model is pretty much balanced and the surfaces are all cleaned up and evened. Details such as the light as well as the shut lines had been added to make the vehicle more realistic. The other thing i did is drilled holes in where the head lights are placed, this was to insert light bulbs later on to make the vehicle more realistic instead of using vinyl sticker prints.

Week 12, 13 & 14


These couple of week i was really busy with my studio clay model, and i didn't spent too much time on my transport, due to the submission date and time. The progress was rather slow compared to other weeks but there was still some progress made during these couple of weeks. As you can see i had balanced both side just by marking some simple points from the other finished side. I over build the unfinished side by around 5mm therefore it would enough room to take off. Surface isn't perfect and more work needed to be done to make it more balanced!